Mandats postdoctoraux cliniques 2023

Mandats postdoctoraux cliniques 2023

8 lauréats

Ces lauréats se partagent une enveloppe budgétaire de 2 100 000 €.

Vous pouvez consulter la liste des projets financés ci-dessous.

3 mandats renouvelés pour une période de 5 ans

Equipe(s) de recherche
Titre du projet
Johnny Duerinck
UZ Brussel
300 000 €
Surgical resection with local administration of immune therapy in recurrent glioblastoma - exploration of efficacy and analysis of tumor features that drive immunotherapeutic receptiveness or resistance
Philip Roelandt
UZ Leuven
300 000 €
Diagnosis and treatment of HPV-related anal cancer precursor lesions
Marc Van den Eynde
Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc
300 000 €
Does the colorectal cancer microbiome interact with surrounding immune and cancer cells for its metastatic process?

5 nouveaux lauréats

Equipes(s) de recherche
Titre du projet
Mariana da Rocha Almeida Brandao
Institut Jules Bordet
240 000 €
Role of neutrophils in primary non-small cell lung cancer and strategies to modulate it
Wouter Froyman
UZ Leuven
240 000 €
Optimization of diagnosis and minimally invasive management of ovarian and uterine disease
Heidi Segers
UZ Leuven
240 000 €
Clonal evolution in pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia and possible novel therapeutic strategies
David Tate
UZ Gent
240 000 €
Combining Human and Artificial Intelligence approaches to Drive Quality Improvement in Colonoscopy and Prevent Colorectal Cancer
Laure-Anne Teuwen
UZ Antwerpen
240 000 €
Advancing cervical cancer prevention, diagnosis, and care in low-income countries